A Resveratrol with a Stunned Heart

Related data shows that 40% of the world’s people are using skin whitening products, especially in Asia, “one white cover and ugly” is the universal aesthetics of most women. The scale of the whitening industry is getting bigger and bigger, and the demand for whitening products has also increased. Traditional whitening cosmetics raw materials (such as cytosyl, vitamin C, etc.) can no longer meet the market demand. New whitening raw materials are gradually gradually gradually gradually. His emergence, resveratrol is one of them.

The reputation of Resopatrol stems from a discussion on French Paradox in the 1990s. At that time, people believed that although French prefer high -fat foods, it was not easy to suffer from cardiovascular disease. Its The reasons are rich in red wine that they often drink.

Related data shows that 40% of the world’s people are using skin whitening products, especially in Asia, “one white cover and ugly” is the universal aesthetics of most women. The scale of the whitening industry is getting bigger and bigger, and the demand for whitening products has also increased. Traditional whitening cosmetics raw materials (such as cytosyl, vitamin C, etc.) can no longer meet the market demand. New whitening raw materials are gradually gradually gradually gradually. His emergence, resveratrol is one of them.

The reputation of resopatrol stems from a discussion on French Paradox in the 1990s. At that time, people believed that although French prefer high -fat foods, it was not easy to suffer from cardiovascular disease. Its The reasons are rich in red wine that they often drink.

Resveratrol can be used as a skin whitening agent, which can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase ; animal research and clinical trials have shown that 1%of resveratrol can reduce pigmentation caused by ultraviolet rays . It also confronts light aging by inhibiting melanin synthesis, which makes the skin more fair and reduced in chloasma .

A resveratrol has antioxidanticity. It can reduce the skin’s optical process of the skin by reducing the expression of AP-1 and NF-KB factor, thereby protecting the oxidation damage caused by free radicals and ultraviolet radiation to the skin . Studies have shown that the local applied to the skin can prevent damage caused by ultraviolet rays on the skin and help reduce the loss of collagen and the symptoms of skin aging.

Resveratrol is undoubtedly a product with great effects. Pure plant extracts are healthy and have no side effects. If they are industrially synthesized, they cannot be consumed for a long time and will cause some bad side effects. Therefore, you should carefully select them when buying them, and you cannot harm your health for the sake of health.

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Post time: May-28-2024
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