Hair growth star – Minoxidil

Everyone has a love for beauty. In addition to good looks and healthy skin, people are gradually beginning to pay attention to the “top priority” – hair health problems.
With the increasing number of people with hair loss and the younger age of hair loss, hair loss has become a hot search entry.Subsequently, people discovered the C-position star “minoxidil” for the treatment of hair loss.

Minoxidil was originally an oral drug used to treat “hypertension”, but in clinical use, doctors found that about 1/5 of patients had different degrees of hirsutism in the process of taking, and since then, topical minoxidil preparations came into being for the treatment of hair loss, and there are sprays, gels, tinctures, liniments and other dosage forms.

Minoxidil remains the only topical, over-the-counter drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss, both men and women. At the same time, it is also a recommended drug in the “Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia in Chinese”. The average effective time is 6-9 months, and the effective rate in the study can reach 50%~85%. Therefore, minoxidil is definitely a big star in the hair growth industry.

Minoxidil is suitable for people with hair loss, and the effect is better for mild and moderate hair loss, and it can be used by both men and women. For example, men’s forehead is sparse and the crown of the head is sparse; diffuse hair loss, postpartum hair loss in women; and non-scarring alopecia such as alopecia areata.

Minoxidil mainly promotes hair growth by improving the microcirculation around the hair follicles and increasing the nutrient supply to the hair follicle cells.In general, 5% is used to treat hair loss in men and 2% is used for hair loss in women. Whether it is 2% or 5% minoxidil solution, use 2 times a day for 1 ml each time;However, the latest studies have shown that 5% minoxidil is more effective than 2%, so 5% is also recommended for women, but the frequency of use should be reduced.

Minoxidil alone generally takes about 3 months to take effect, and it usually takes 6 months to find a more obvious effect. Therefore, everyone should be patient and persistent when using it to see the effect.

There are many comments on the Internet about the crazy period after using minoxidil.The “crazy period” is not terrible.”Crazy hair loss period” refers to the temporary loss of a large amount of hair within 1-2 months of using minoxidil in some patients with hair loss, and the probability of occurrence is about 5%-10%.At present, when considering the use of drugs, friction itself will accelerate the loss of hair in the catagen stage, and secondly, the hair follicles in the catagen stage are inherently unhealthy, so they are easy to fall out.The “madness” is temporary, usually 2-4 weeks will pass. Therefore, if there is a “crazy escape”, don’t worry too much, just be patient.
Minoxidil can also produce some side effects, the common is hirsutism caused by improper application, mainly on the face, neck, upper limbs and legs, and the others are side effects such as tachycardia, allergies, etc., the incidence is low, and the drug will return to normal when the drug is stopped, so there is no need to worry too much. Overall, minoxidil is a well-tolerated drug that is safe and controllable to administer as directed.


Post time: May-22-2024
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