Natural nutritious sweetener Sorbitol

Sorbitol, also known as sorbitol, is a natural plant-based sweetener with a refreshing taste that is often used to make chewing gum or sugar-free candy. It still produces calories after consumption, so it is a nutritious sweetener, but the calories are only 2.6 kcal/g (about 65% of sucrose), and the sweetness is about half that of sucrose.

Sorbitol can be prepared by glucose reduction, and sorbitol is widely found in fruits, such as apples, peaches, dates, plums and pears and other natural foods, with a content of about 1%~2%. Its sweetness is comparable to that of glucose, but it gives a rich feeling. It is slowly absorbed and utilized in the body without increasing blood sugar levels. It is also a good moisturizer and surfactant.

In China, sorbitol is an important industrial raw material, used in medicine, chemical industry, light industry, food and other industries, and sorbitol is mainly used in the production of vitamin C in China. At present, the total output and production scale of sorbitol in China are among the top in the world.

It was one of the first sugar alcohols allowed to be used as a food additive in Japan, to improve the moisturizing properties of food, or as a thickener. It can be used as a sweetener, such as commonly used in the manufacture of sugar-free chewing gum. It is also used as a moisturizer and excipient for cosmetics and toothpaste, and can be used as a substitute for glycerin.

Toxicological studies in the United States have shown that long-term feeding tests in rats have found that sorbitol has no harmful effect on the weight gain of male rats, and there is no abnormality in the histopathological examination of major organs, but only causes mild diarrhea and slowed growth. In human trials, doses greater than 50 g/day resulted in mild diarrhoea, and long-term intake of 40 g/day of sorbitol had no effect on participants. Therefore, sorbitol has long been recognized as a safe food additive in the United States.

Application in the food industry Sorbitol has hygroscopicity, so adding sorbitol to food can prevent the drying and cracking of food and keep food fresh and soft. It is used in bread and cakes and has a noticeable effect.

Sorbitol is less sweet than sucrose, and is not used by some bacteria, it is a good raw material for the production of sweetness candy snacks, and it is also an important raw material for the production of sugar-free candy, which can process a variety of anti-caries foods. It can be used to produce sugar-free food, diet food, anti-constipation food, anti-caries food, diabetic food, etc

Sorbitol does not contain aldehyde groups, is not easily oxidized, and does not produce Maillard reaction with amino acids when heated. It has certain physiological activity and can prevent the denaturation of carotenoids and edible fats and proteins.

Sorbitol has excellent freshness, fragrance preservation, color retention, moisturizing properties, known as “glycerin”, which can keep toothpaste, cosmetics, tobacco, aquatic products, food and other products moisture, fragrance, color and freshness, almost all fields that use glycerin or propylene glycol can be replaced by sorbitol, and even better results can be achieved.

Sorbitol has a cool sweetness, its sweetness is equivalent to 60% sucrose, it has the same caloric value as sugars, and it metabolizes more slowly than sugars, and most of it is converted into fructose in the liver, which does not cause diabetes. In ice cream, chocolate, and chewing gum, sorbitol instead of sugar can have a weight loss effect. It can be used as a raw material for the production of vitamin C, and sorbitol can be fermented and chemically synthesized to obtain vitamin C. China’s toothpaste industry has begun to use sorbitol instead of glycerol, and the addition amount is 5%~8% (16% abroad).

In the production of baked goods, sorbitol has a moisturizing and fresh-keeping effect, thus extending the shelf life of food. In addition, sorbitol can also be used as a starch stabilizer and a moisture regulator for fruits, a flavor preservative, an antioxidant and a preservative. It is also commonly used as sugar-free chewing gum, alcohol flavoring and food sweetener for diabetics.

Sorbitol is nutritionally harmless and burdensome, so we also call it a natural nutritious sweetener.

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Post time: May-27-2024
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