What is Dihydroquercetin Used for?

Deep in the Changbai Mountains, nature retains a unique secret: dihydroquercetin. This essence extracted from the roots of a century-old larch is more than just an ordinary natural substance. It is a precious gift from nature to us, containing the mystery and power of life.

Dihydroquercetin, a special bioflavonoid, is a leader in the vitamin  family and offers a range of amazing health benefits.


I. Powerful antioxidant effect

 Dihydroquercetin has excellent antioxidant properties. In our bodies, oxidation reactions continuously produce free radicals, and excessive free radicals can cause damage to cells and trigger various health problems such as aging, inflammation, and cardiovascular diseases. Dihydroquercetin can effectively neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Its antioxidant capacity is stronger than many common antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E. By scavenging free radicals, dihydroquercetin helps maintain the normal physiological functions of the body, delays the aging process, and maintains the health and elasticity of the skin.

II. Cardiovascular protection

For cardiovascular health, dihydroquercetin also plays an important role. It can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. At the same time, dihydroquercetin can also dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and improve blood circulation. This has positive significance for preventing the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it can also reduce platelet aggregation and the possibility of thrombosis, further protecting the cardiovascular system.

III. Anti-inflammatory effect

Inflammation is an immune response of the body to various stimuli, but excessive inflammation can cause damage to the body. Dihydroquercetin has significant anti-inflammatory effects. It can inhibit the production of inflammatory factors and reduce inflammatory reactions. For some chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and enteritis, dihydroquercetin may have a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect. By regulating the immune system, dihydroquercetin helps maintain the immune balance of the body and reduces the damage of inflammation to the body.

 IV. Anti-tumor effect

In recent years, studies have found that dihydroquercetin also has certain antitumor potential. It can inhibit the growth and proliferation of tumor cells and induce tumor cell apoptosis. At the same time, dihydroquercetin can also enhance the body's immunity and improve the antitumor ability. Although the research on the antitumor effect of dihydroquercetin is still in the preliminary stage, this discovery provides new ideas and directions for the treatment of tumors.

Due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of dihydroquercetin, it has also been widely used in the field of cosmetics. In skin care products, dihydroquercetin can help resist the damage of free radicals and reduce the signs of skin aging such as wrinkles and sagging. It can also reduce skin inflammation and improve sensitive skin. Adding dihydroquercetin to cosmetics can not only improve the efficacy of products but also meet consumers' demands for natural and safe cosmetics.

In conclusion, dihydroquercetin, an extract of larch, has many important functions. Its antioxidant, cardiovascular protection, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and other effects have brought many benefits to our health. With the continuous deepening of scientific research, it is believed that more functions of dihydroquercetin will be discovered, making greater contributions to the improvement of human health and quality of life.


Contact Information:


Email: Winnie@xabiof.com

Tel/WhatsApp: +86-13488323315

Website: https://www.biofingredients.com



Post time: Sep-05-2024
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